United States – Economy in Shambles

September 26, 2024

United States

Economy in Shambles

Padmini Arhant

The vast majority of Americans major concern and interest is the economic revival to 2017 – 2020 under Trump Presidency and even better upon re-election.

Anything said other than immediate economic recovery is same old platitudes on who said what about whom, when, where and how…is evasion on the most critical issue with survival of citizens hanging in balance.

When the contender in the Presidential bid is trying to woo voters and the elector has one important question and that is;

What is the economic solution and policy you have to make mine and my hard working family’s economic situation emerge out of inflation, debt, interest and higher taxes ridden economy?

Instead of laying concise economic plan with appropriate remedy and options to help voters understand exactly where the candidacy stands in either fixing or further wrecking their present and future financial as well as economic opportunity,

The response is deflection from the question. The persistent focus on anything that are neither related to the question asked viz. economy nor going to solve the burgeoning problems confronting the electorate.

When one has nothing to offer to the economic decline on their watch and direct control other than constant distraction from the core issue, the position is clear that there are none at their disposal to overcome the immediate and near term challenges whatsoever.

Anything else does not serve the electorate requirements when their existence is marred with economic woes and endangerment of  personal security.

That said, “What can be, unburdened by what has been” prolonged any longer would only saddle the electorate with unbearable economic burden.

Politics and proxy media giving citizens the benefit of doubt in knowing their economic reality better than anyone is the least courtesy they deserve at the moment and moving forward.

Padmini Arhant 


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