United States – Election 2020 Voter Fraud and Constitutional Violation

December 22, 2020

United States – Election 2020 Voter Fraud


Constitutional Violation

Padmini Arhant

The democrat Presidential bid by Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff disqualified for the following reasons.

1. Foreign intrusion from China, Russia and Iran in November election 2020 is confirmed and made public by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Radcliffe subsequent to assessment per Executive Order issued on September 12, 2018 by President Donald J. Trump on foreign interference. The finding in conjunction with latest sprawling cyberattack against United States infrastructure targeting sensitive and critical database tantamount to cyber warfare and appropriately necessitates national emergency implementation to deal with the crisis.

2. Voter fraud elaborated and presented by live witnesses’ testimonials under oath with penalty for perjury in key swing states public hearing in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada are incontrovertible. Furthermore, staggering illegal ballots in Michigan tipping the original lead from incumbent contender Donald Trump to democrat contestant Joe Biden during the unusual pause on election night lasting several hours is now raising serious doubts on the projected win for Joe Biden.

3. Constitutional guarantee on equal protection of law for all states represented in the electoral college were flouted by Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin to name a few among battleground states with little or no regard for the rule of law binding on all states in the Union.

Pennsylvania – The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, on November 26th, 2020 an order signed by Judge Patricia McCullough, issued… that state lawmakers violated Pennsylvania’s Constitution by adopting Act 77 …

This order highlighted Pennsylvania state’s dismissal of constitutional procedure that in essence required state legislature assembly to amend constitution with majority vote for the intended purpose unlike arbitrary adoption of Act 77 to stymie electoral rule of law detailed in the state constitution.

Similarly in the election of state electors in swing states MI, AZ, WI, PA and GA as well as other disputed states, the constitutionality determining criteria was discarded typically rejecting republic representation and will of the people while the remaining member states in the Union like Texas diligently in compliance with constitutional and state legislative electoral process.

Upon the great state of Texas approaching the highest court on land, the Supreme Court of the United States, the politically influenced SCOTUS declined hearing on the case precipitating constitutional meltdown.

In recent memory, the former President Barack Obama currently heading and directing the democratic party maintained that the “Constitution is really just a piece of parchment. It has no power on its own. We, the people, give it power. We the people give it meaning – with our participation, and the choices we make. Whether or not we stand up for our freedoms. Whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law.”

It is obviously open to interpretation. However, the ex-President Barack Obama notably had little or no respect for rule of law regardless of the same enshrined in constitution. The predecessor’s excess abuse of power exercising extra judicial executions related to illegal surveillance of United States citizens and creation of IS and ISIS through intervention in Libya and Syria slighting Congress are prominent examples among many unconstitutional and undemocratic maneuvers by previous administration.

Congressional approval on domestic and foreign matter became irrelevant for Barack Obama with executive order flamboyantly carried out during two terms in office attracting credible criticisms from constitutional experts on either side of the aisle on Barack Obama’s lawlessness weakening democratic foundation seated on constitution. The critics also noted that former President Barack Obama expected Supreme Court justices should decide cases based in part on empathy as opposed to merit relevantly reflected in SCOTUS response to Presidential election 2020 lawsuits in the present time.

Case in point on empathy overriding merit – In Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action against the state of Michigan’s ban on affirmative action citing the state’s violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. In this matter, the former President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court appointee Sonia Sotomayor obliged the appointer’s political will. The Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor held that Michigan state’s ban on affirmative action violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause clarifying the law that mandated equal treatment on race violated a constitutional provision mandating equal treatment.

Juxtaposed, the similar challenge on equal protection of law mandated in state constitution with reference to election procedures and electors concerning the swing states MI, PA, GA, AZ, WI and NV…violations are not treated as such despite the states’ decision to ignore constitution mandate jeopardizing election integrity.

In politics, the issues are more associated with political expediency and advantage than ethical efficacy and constitutional meaning.

Finally, the China spy gate implicating democrat rank-and-file Eric Swalwell post FBI briefing has led to congressional consensus to eliminate congress member Eric Swalwell from Intelligence committee in view of alarming exposure compromising intelligence and national security. In equal application of law, the Biden family scandals revealing Joe Biden as principal beneficiary in all financial dealings with foreign adversaries effectively discredit and delegitimize Biden Presidency to represent the United States and the republic governed by the constitution.

Hence, conclusively the incumbent Donald J. Trump is the duly elected President to serve second term in office.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






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