United States – Policy and Partisanship

May 10, 2023

United States




Padmini Arhant

Subsequent to recent parasitic culture topic, further  questions posed that beckon focus.

United States always leading in political drama,  action, violence, sexual allegations, identity politics viz. Black Lives Matter riots nationwide and alike  anchored on trans mania and much more…has drawn  attention on two latest news reports.

From California: The State authorized and apparently democrat political party created Reparations Task Force submit recommendations among many, the individual monetary compensation in cash ranging from $148,099 to $1.2million to Black Californians claiming victimhood on categorized historical discrimination from 1930 till date per news reports.

The question raised here, would such individual compensation qualify as parasitic culture nurtured by politics?

Response: The discrimination of all kind routinely practiced by mankind towards some or other worldwide is a reality since time immemorial prevalent till date.

The discriminatory legacy from the past and present is a dark history in any nation’s chronicle.

Unfortunately every nation around the world share either less, equal or more on their part on prejudice and human rights violations record.

However, seeking reparation costs for the events in the earlier century linked to those inhabitants at that time to be settled by the present generation largely comprising immigrants from all over the world in a state like California,

Among whom many on their part have something similar if not severe experienced in their or previous generation lifetime is neither practical nor economically possible.

The pandemic having consumed lives and livelihood, Californians are still struggling to recover from the pandemic caused economic downturns with many retail and local businesses shut down permanently with no hope of revival.

Above all, California ranked 4th in the 10 states listed in the United States with highest taxes is fairly excruciating for small medium business and ordinary citizens with average to moderate income.

Under these persisting tough economic conditions, legislating a bill in California State assembly enforcing tax increase and liabilities on current and near future taxpayers to afford the unaffordable reparation amounts on individual basis would trigger economic chaos for the State of California.

Notwithstanding Capital flight and taxpayer mass exodus to other parts of the country with less tax burden is inevitable. 

As such California and United States have come a long way in politics, economics and other areas in addressing African American cause compared to other race having suffered enormously in United States waged wars in their respective nations continued until today.

Likewise indigenous settlers  the Native Americans as original inhabitants of America are barely noticed having been displaced even prior to confederation and the currently discussed historic discrimination against people from Africa.

As a result, the children from the indigenous demography paying enormous price in their strife to preserve distinctive Native American heritage while attempting integration with contemporary America despite little or no resources and inadequate economic opportunities to them.

The State of California and federal programs that are already in place in improving the lives of African Americans in California and elsewhere is a milestone in modern history.

The deficiency might be in directing funds appropriation with transparent oversight that is fundamental in monitoring with necessary adjustments towards complete economic freedom for those at the bottom to all the way reaching middle income family.

Such management alleviating critical problems faced by African American families especially children abandoned by father whether born in or out of wedlock, better schools in black neighborhoods, crime mitigation in inner cities is the priority for collective communal progress unlike handing out tax dollars to individual members of African American identity deepening economic disparity within.

On the other issue – the litigation on alleged sexual harassment and abuse etc. with the jury verdict awarding the plaintiff $5 million according to widely televised and broadcast information on the case is asked whether the development is in semblance with parasitic culture.


Sexual harassment, abuse, assaults, defamation, caricature and diverse insults, injury and incarcerations against women is nothing new.

The difference is the crime institutionalized in the past 15 years speaking from personal experience including the nuanced narratives in this trial that those running the gamut possess authority to influence arbitrary decision. The judicial process determined by politics delivers accordingly.

Nonetheless, the irony is in other situations sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct, verbal and / or physical violence not barring public execution of the victim gunned down with 25 or more bullets with several rounds of ammunition deploying political might with impunity in the White House periphery in 2013 not even regarded a crime.

The victim in this political crime was not only murdered in public square but was also posthumously accused as someone having suffered from postpartum depression with no medical evidence or drug prescription to treat the ailment.

Again the sexual abuse reported during Presidential election by a victim against then democrat Presidential candidate in 2020 currently serving as the incumbent was subject to media biased trial dismissing the victim as opportunist, delusional and not mentally sound to protect the accused in this incident.

Never mind thereafter then accused as the central public figure, whose public behavior alluding to sexual innuendo and inappropriate touching witnessed worldwide regardless of age not even sparing minors only serving as material for social media and television networks’ absorption or distortion based on political agenda.

Meanwhile, the publicly verifiable misconduct added credibility to the earlier victim’s accusation legitimizing the victim’s account as a staff member in the Senate years of the accused that went tone deaf earlier and later in 2020.

The crime discarded as inconvenient and obstructive to then political goals to declare the candidate winner in the Presidential race in 2020.

These incidents though treated completely differently from one another with overdose of discrimination and misogyny share a commonality and that being women and women’s plight ever remain a fair game for political gains suggesting gross abuse of power at the travesty of Justice.

Not to mention politics laden with partisanship continue to use women as nothing more than servile instruments in the patriarchal orchestra.

The plaintiff in the recent trial awarded $5 million making public statement that the legal outcome is a personal and combined victory of all those women victims in sexual abuse prompt clarification.

Is the plaintiff public affirmation on sharing litigation victory with victims in comparable circumstances limited to abstract empathy or extended monetarily as well?

The sentiment is euphoric in such high profile sensationalized legal battle.

Needless to say, prejudice, misogyny, discrimination and abusive activities against anyone by anybody remaining objective not subjective is ominously abstained in present politics directed judicial exercise.

P.S. The incognito power as faceless operative behind the scenes engaging sycophant corrupt media and crony contingency crying foul using the usual lexicon conspiracy theory etc. are culpable either way.

If any of the publicly witnessed and digitally  documented incidents are conspiracy theory then,

Why are you funneling and squandering tax payer money in judicial theatrics and real crimes such as summary execution of a rape victim Miriam Carey brutally murdered in public square in 2013? 

The patriarchal orchestra owe the audience credible explanation behind abusing women and womanhood as servile instruments in the prolonged charade.

Padmini Arhant




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