United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

October 4, 2017

United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

Padmini Arhant

United States immunity to violence emanates from U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

U.S. weakness and vulnerability to complicity pledging allegiance to the so-called allies Israel and Saudi Arabia political aspirations is well established since the horrific terror attack on September 11, 2001.  The calibrated and coordinated terror assault and thereafter the avalanche of military interventions evolving into sponsoring terrorism until today is the most violent legacy in the new millennium.

When State actors at the national level choose to ignore terror warnings allowing citizens to die on that fateful day, they are directly responsible for mass killings in daylight on their watch.

Similarly, eliminating the NAVY SEALS deployed in pseudo operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan claiming to have assassinated the deceased Osama Bin Laden in 2011 wiping out key witnesses further clarified monumental duplicity.

Above all, protecting those involved in treason against own citizens and country providing them impunity confirms democracy under siege.

The 9/11 attack became the premise granting heads of the administration – the Presidents of the United States transcending political parties the license to kill citizens at home including men and women in uniforms and innocent civilians abroad under the guise of national security they neglected in collusion with forces endangering peace and security in the United States and worldwide.

In order to maintain status quo laden with lies and deception, the White House since 2001 terror attack in succession have violated public trust and ethics in epic proportion.

Regardless of political representation as Republican and Democrat, the White House extra judicial executions against constitutional law authorizing predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings in developing nations and war-torn countries in a manner considered a sport for executive office bearers, air strikes with nuclear components post 9/11 more so in the past decade speaks volume of the character of those at the helm.  Ironically, even the Nobel peace prize could not deter such actions during their term in office.

September 11, 2001 set precedence to abuse power misleading the nation at every opportunity using fear and false propaganda for policies serving specific agenda against United States interests.

Unites States republic status is a myth and aptly demonstrated in decisions concerning domestic and international affairs. When government fails people in the deliberate mishandling conforming to secrecy and loyalty to unscrupulous ambitions costing citizens lives and national integrity, the trend is up for adoption attracting fragments within society.

The incumbent President Donald Trump’s rhetoric against North Korea that United States would respond with fire and fury is anything but responsible and helpful. Such statements from the Presidency ignites sparks and lights unwanted elements in the country seeking motivation in the suicide mission.

The repeat episodes of shooting incidents and false flag tactics with patsies attributed to government and congress misplaced priority, media overtones promoting wars and unsubstantiated assertions leading to deceit, tensions and potential nuclear confrontation.

United States foreign incursions ratcheted using 9/11 and subsequently conferring statehood to terrorism in 2012 onwards facilitating ISIL, ISIS, IS emergence not barring the effort to permit Taliban in Afghanistan to launch exile government under Taliban flag declared The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Qatar’s capital Doha in 2013 under U.S. guidance exemplify combative positions in defiance of peace and diplomacy not to mention the lack of respect for foreign nation’s sovereignty.

Citizens unable to cope with challenges in life apparently take cue from sources they are in contact with such as television at home, government leaderships and representatives constantly visible in every medium available in their life.  The government and congress role is the touchstone for many citizens unable to exercise discernment concerning them and the world around them.

Although shooting rampage escalated in the past decade adapting to instance like public execution of unarmed civilian Miriam Carey at the White House door step in 2013 by then President Barack Obama’s security personnel performing as the firing squad, the selective condemnation of gun violence rejects the salient fact that all lives matter. The lives lost in senseless firing in isolated situation, a crowded place, college campus or imposed terrorism on 9/11 deserves equal recognition and acknowledgment of criminal activity subject to legal consequence.

The reckless policies, approvals and carte blanche executive decisions as well as reactions on sensitive issues influence minds and certain citizens’ behavior in society. The authorities’ peaceful pursuits and disposition in resolving domestic and international crises would be a paradigm shift in the country under external dominance and control.

What that means is rising to the occasion in welcoming rational thoughts and ideas from Senior Cabinet member, the present Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and Venezuela for direct communication and removal of sanctions respectively.  Simultaneously, having allies viz. Israel to return billion dollars aid to United States and Saudi Arabia and UAE to contain regional disputes with neighbor Qatar.

Meanwhile, ending conflicts in Syria, withdrawal from Afghanistan, Palestinian statehood terminating Israel’s occupation of the embattled territory are necessary for global peace besides rebuilding United States as reliable partner in settling international disputes and disagreements.

Any opposition in this regard would determine United States policy favoring wanton aggressions and egregious resolve proved catastrophic in recent memory. United States policy aimed at peaceful negotiations and dialogue rather than violent strategies would be productive and critical.

As for gun laws, the banning of assault weapons in public domains with rigorous background checks and regular updates is the preliminary measure required to curb massacre and homicide in addition to media and press fair and balanced reporting refraining from unlawful insinuations is an obligation.

Thank you,

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission





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