United States – Warfare and Military Strikes

January 9, 2020

United States – Warfare and Military Strikes

Padmini Arhant

United States warfare and military aggressions using extra judicial powers at the executive branch is distinctive for a nation declared beacon of democracy with deep respect for national and international laws subject to own terms and conditions granting privileged status.

United States warfare, military strikes and other interventions in foreign land are consistent in justifying unjustifiable actions at executive discretions failing to provide evidence at every instance. The convention subjugates democratic system and constitution guided congressional process allowing debates, discussion and deliberation prior to any deployment of defense force and military assets in overt or covert operation.

In recent memory, United States invasion of Iraq under former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in 2003 led to status quo in that nation and Afghanistan.

What was the premise for Iraq invasion?

Iraq’s alleged chemical weapons that were nowhere to be found or reproduced leaving the nation with mass graves and permanent damage including looting and plunder of Iraq’s artifacts, museum and cultural sites. Not to mention the generational suffering endured by Iraqi population with children born with congenital birth defects and other acute illnesses from the use of depleted uranium in Fallujah in Al-Anbar province and cluster bombs reined over Baghdad are mere examples of devastation.

The subsequent administration under former President Barack Obama scuttled Benghazi incident in Eastern Libya that claimed then U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and CIA intelligence personnel lives that remain unanswered until today.

Similarly former President Barack Obama administration’s involvement in Syria created ISIL, ISIS, al nusra front and the current IS in Syria spilling over to neighboring Lebanon, Libya, Iraq and Turkey.

In May 2011, President Barack Obama administration ventured into Abbottabad mission in Pakistan presenting the nation and the world with bizarre claim on the capture and killing of long gone al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Ladin who actually died in December 2001. He was diagnosed with renal failure and had dialysis treatments in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and Dubai, UAE.

Again when asked for evidence of Osama Bin Laden’s remains or his body from then President Barack Obama’s administration,

America and the world were informed of Osama Bin Laden’s remains to have been disposed in Arabian Sea in accordance with the mission architects’ invented islamic rites exclusive to that particular event.

Furthermore, the physical witnesses – the SEAL Team Six entire crew and other members deployed in Abbottabad operation were eliminated when the Vietnam era military Chinook helicopter they were aboard was shot down in Afghanistan despite United States and NATO presence in the territory.

The SEAL Team SIX family request for investigation into this strange incident with no survivors were slighted without any respect for the young victims in their early twenties whose lives apparently had no value for those in position of power and authority.

President Barack Obama aka President Obama  earned the coveted title Drone King not without any reason. President Barack Obama penchant for drone strikes chasing children, women, elderly and men of all age from their humble dwellings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia in South America, Mali, Sudan in Africa to name a few among many other near and far destinations is the highlight of President Barack Obama’s two term Presidency.

History repeating itself with the current administration under President Donald Trump aka President Trump, once a harsh critic of the above cited incidents as a civilian including during the Presidential campaign in 2016 vowing to American electorate to pursue the path of peace and not the one his predecessors treaded on with no accountability regardless of their respective political representation emerged a fierce competitor in this trend.

In light of these factual substantiations on misuse of executive power evading transparency and responsibility to the people of United States and especially citizens abroad irreversibly affected in the carte blanche authority waging warfare or military and other special operations seeking high value targets,

The congressional move to limit war powers at the executive branch setting precedence now and in the future is the preliminary and positive step towards peace besides safeguarding freedom and democratic values enshrined in constitution.

Last but not the least, all of the above mentioned violations by successive administrations constitute war crimes and political immunity in this regard is treason.

Notwithstanding willful conscious engagement is betrayal of public trust in the democratic setting.  The law applicable to all  exempting none above in a democracy would serve justice to victims and their survivors living up to the status as the land of justice.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com








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