United States – Weapons Trade to Israel

February 8, 2025

United States

Weapons Trade to Israel

Padmini Arhant

A message for the President of the United States, Donald Trump with own loving snd caring family comprising children and grand children mostly residing close to each other in their home state.

This little Angel from Gaza having survived the ravaging Gaza war has a message hoping it would reach the President of the United States Donald Trump. 

Courtesy: Middle East Eye


The current administration under President Donald Trump’s business strategy to trade weapons worth $7B to Israel is effectively a free offer of U.S. military armament.

The economically affluent Israel remains the sole recipient of at least $3B in U.S. taxpayers’ funded annual financial aid since the state of Israel’s establishment to date.

U.S. taxpayers’ $3B and more annual funding to Israel is claimed as an entitlement by the latter thus far. The trajectory, not sparing ordinary Americans struggling to make ends meet at any and entire period of worst financial and economic crisis. 

Unless the tradition of annual financial aid $3B and more to Israel is ended effective immediately with the new policy to treat allies Israel including Europe and others alike in sharing the economic responsibility, the anomaly would continue to hurt ordinary Americans over generations.

The measure similar to Trump administration prudent proposal to EU and neighbors in North America viz. Canada and Mexico to pay fair share on security that has been burdened on U.S. taxpayers until now.

Furthermore, the free financial aid over 75 years to date to economically strong Israel is an exclusive status that is not even experienced by any of the 50 states within United States Union federation. 

No more free lunch to economically advantaged allies or whoever, relieving American taxpayers from foreign liabilities is imperative in the Make America Great Again pledge.

The pivot from charitable to the most self-affordable allowing Americans to improve their economic and financial growth rather than being eternal providers to foreign nations’ especially economically prosperous Israel snd Europe combined is a necessity.

The policy draining ordinary citizens hard earned livelihood savings and earnings distributed in foreign aid together with substantial subsidies to wealthy allies until now has been maintained as foregone conclusion. The trend customarily retained as irreversible.

MAGA is possible only upon the population in the domestic front are able to survive and thrive without being subject to politics’ arbitrary convention to distribute taxpayers’ tax dollars to nations that are economically solid and even competitive in many ways to the United States. 

As for U.S. takeover of Gaza even with the commitment to turn the limited Gaza strip into a well developed Riviera attracting business investments and employment opportunities while expatriating the native Gazans and other Palestinians from their homeland is a contradictory position for the United States. 

China treading on similar path with investments in infrastructure in developing nations realistically displacing local population with those from mainland China as investors in South, South East Asia and even West Asia besides other regions of the world has arguably placed China as the 21st century hegemonic power via economic expansion substituted for boots on the ground in these territories by Beijing. 

United States in the proposed Gaza ownership under President Donald Trump is visibly and technically adapting China’s paradigm.

The development typically makes both competing economic powers i.e. United States and China no different from one another in the new world economic reconfiguration with little or no regard for foreign sovereignty. 

Besides, the native population in this instance the Gazans, and the rest of Palestinians stripped of their otherwise inalienable self-determination rights. 

Notwithstanding, United States following China’s footsteps in such economic undertakings with complete authority on territories deny United States any reason or legitimacy to criticize China regarding Taiwan and other contentious issues involving China with neighbors in South China Sea and Asia Pacific. 

Above all, U.S. invasion and occupation of Gaza citing economic investments and / or regional security is a lesson to learn from United States legacy in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria not barring Ukraine. 

All of the above mentioned ambitious ventures proved major debacles for the United States losing trust and credibility as a reliable peace partner in the world. 

Accordingly, the present administration of President Donald Trump economic divestment at home as promised in 2024 Presidential election to create and proliferate employment opportunities for all Americans leaving none behind over the distraction of hegemonic goals in Gaza and elsewhere would exemplify MAGA traction. 

As such, Gaza proposal has not surprisingly struck a nerve in the global affairs that awaits the long overdue expeditious recognition of Palestinian statehood with Palestinians legal and birth rights to rebuild their lives that were devastated by United States and western allies supplied military, financial and logistics provisions in the Gaza Genocide. 

Needless to say, United States and other western participants’ compensation to Gazans and the rest of Palestine is due in restoring the militarily decimated Gaza to human habitation and appropriate economic conditions without compromising Gazans and Palestinians’ nativity and original permanent residency. 

Peace to Gaza, the rest of Palestine and the entire Middle East.

Padmini Arhant 


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