United States – What else is New?

April 2, 2023

United States

What else is new?

Padmini Arhant

The revival of horror from 2009 – 2016 returns to wreak havoc in 2021 onwards in repeat deplorable false flag events such as school shootings of innocent children and adults in schoolyard and wherever possible.

The callous stints mimicking the previous 2009 – 2016 timeline of deaths and bloodbath at home and abroad is the movie replayed all over again to revamp gun control and seize weapons from society in the fake prism of power violated safety and security.

The amassment of power in the process of collusion with domestic and foreign forces is aimed at tyranny and mob rule with media such as Skynews Australia and variety depicting bottomless pit vigorously engaged in silencing democracy through partisan criminalization and abhorrent identity politics. 

Not to mention the summary execution of a black unarmed young mother Miriam Carey with her toddler – the blood relative of then black family Obamas in the White House subject to rain of bullets authorized by the head of the executive branch and spouse in public domain is unforgivable sin with unavoidable karmic effects on the perpetrators of the gory murder in public square abusing taxpayer funded public office.

Meanwhile, my message to humanity on this site with the concept and caption – Life Matters expressing and exemplifying in action in many aspects throughout my life committed to non-violence, stating life in general a blessing and respecting all lives of all beings an inherent human responsibility was hijacked during 2009 – 2016 and deviously convoluted into the contentious and phony banner of Black Lives Matter.

The so-called activism of the so-called Black Lives Matter towards blackness and black tragedies conveniently turning a blind eye to the black victims viz. Miriam Carey and her child tossed into the arms  of a complete stranger unrelated to her – a white male and ex-CIA operative and the innocent black male Troy Davis declined clemency…and much more under black Presidency ain’t pretty by any stretch of imagination.

The Life Matters – message taken from this site – a copyright infringement in continuation of plagiarism, piracy not barring identity theft …are unscrupulously contrived and launched as Black Lives Matter among other distortions with the activism proved violent and anarchy visibly causing destruction and carnage in 2020 across the country.

The Black Lives Matter and other elements role on camera in world view is shameful and gross violation of rule of law and human sanity.

The madness of the so-called Black Lives Matter demonstrated in 2020 with looting, scorching business centers and vandalizing public property…among assortment of searing violence and savagery were fueled and funded by political members such as the incumbent democrat Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris and the likes cheering and fund raising online to proudly flag Black Lives Matter slogan despite the optics antithetically flamboyant.

None of these horrific condemnable reprehensible crimes orchestrated by George Soros and democrat upper echelons in front line and behind the scenes ever occurred criminal and punishable by law that would be treated as such in a normal law abiding democratic society anywhere.

However, the current voices vociferous on anything and everything except their violent unlawful past and present choose to remain oblivious to their criminal activities for obvious reasons.

Simultaneously they are preoccupied in selective political witch hunt bribing with ransoms via third party (in typical parasitic existence) those in entertainment and politics to shame and incriminate their targets. The desperate tactics backfiring at them and shedding light on the gaslighters’ originality is glaring at them.

Last but not the least, the abominable identity politics in 2009 – 2016 resumed in 2021 – till date with trans mania, drag queens, homo parody and other discriminatory pejorative politics is a window to the conflict within among those surrendered to the negatively charged vices ripe with ignorance and hatred for self and others fearing imminent dissolution.

The end justifying the means is brought upon in political vindictiveness consuming the source and catalysts in inevitable termination.

Never forget – You are who you are confirmed in your actions that define your character and inner-self regardless of disguise and disingenuous display. 

The extreme goon and gutter politics out of control is fervently devoted to own demise sooner than later.

Anything exceeding the norm and reason invariably meet the irreversible doomed fate presided by the Almighty Supreme entity. 

Padmini Arhant


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