Urgent Medicaid Support Required for People with Disabilities

June 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The organization dedicated to helping children with disabilities made the following plea and requested the U.S. Senators from both sides of the aisle to consider reviving the bill and approve the federal Medicaid funding to the states.

One cannot ignore the urgency on this important measure.

Hopefully the GOP Senators would heed to the call for assistance from the most vulnerable members in the society, the children and pass the legislation on humanitarian grounds, if not as a constitutional responsibility.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Fri, June 25, 2010 12:34:38 PM
URGENT: Tell your Senators to do the right thing

From: “Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals”

Easter Seals: Creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn work and play.

Dear Padmini,

Vital health care services for people with disabilities are at stake.

Urge your Senators to do the right thing for people with disabilities by passing the Medicaid funding extension.

Last night, the Senate was just three votes short of passing critical Medicaid support for people with disabilities.

If the Senate does not approve additional federal Medicaid funding to the states, they will be forced to cut benefits and services for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

We came so close last night. Every message from Easter Seals supporters like you will make a difference when the Senate takes this up again in the next few days.

Act now! Urge your Senators to protect people with disabilities by voting to extend this enhanced federal Medicaid funding!

Medicaid is a lifeline for children and adults with disabilities. Because of the health care they get through the program, they are able to be successful in school, keep a job and live independent lives.

Thanks to Medicaid, a child with autism can get the speech therapy he needs, a teenager with spina bifida can get the wheelchair she needs to use to get around school, and an older person living with a chronic illness can see his doctor.

Medicaid exists to help people who can’t otherwise afford it, pay for critical services like these.

But state budgets have been squeezed by this recession. With less and less tax revenue coming in, they’re facing the prospect of devastating cutbacks.

They need help filling the gaps and keeping important programs afloat.

They’re counting on support from Washington.

The federal government has always shared the financial responsibility for Medicaid.

With so many people in need and the states so strapped for cash, this is the moment for the Senate to step up with additional funding.

When enough of their constituents weigh in, elected officials listen.

That’s why we can’t let Senators cast their vote again without hearing our voices.

But it has to happen fast.

Write your Senators and let your opinion be heard before it’s too late.

I really appreciate your help on this critically important issue.

Dedicated Easter Seals supporters like you are the difference between winning and losing these legislative battles.

Thanks again,

Katy Beh Neas
Vice President, Government Affairs

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