Vishwa Kalyan Award 2016 – Universal Benefit Award

August 23, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

In 2015, Vishwa Kalyan Award was introduced to recognize and honor the unsung heroes alongside members known to world community. However, the mission not necessarily adapted and pursued for desirable outcome.

Every year on August 26th the awardees are commemorated for exemplary service and sacrifice.

The award is to create awareness among world population to appreciate, safeguard and contribute to the welfare and survival of all species for planet sustenance.

I present the categories for the year 2016 Vishwa Kalyan Award with the hope to revive interest and action in promoting goals to benefit humanity and earth. 

The two categories in 2016 are – Environment and Humanitarian Cause.

Environment protection is made possible with not only reducing carbon emission but also enrichment of natural habitat through greenery and preservation of rain forests worldwide.

In the environment category – The winners are:


  1. Ethiopia – The East African nation in the Horn of Africa is leading power generator in the region via clean energy program.

Latin America:

  1. Peru – The National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program (SOLAR POWER) expected to benefit more than 2 million people in Peru.
  1. Costa Rica – 100% Renewal Energy with departure from fossil fuel. The Central American country generated electricity entirely from renewal energy – the combination of hydroelectric and geothermal power permitting clean and affordable energy supply in 2015. The national commitment towards 100% carbon neutrality by 2021 sets important precedence for the rest of the world to follow suit.
  1. BrazilKayapo – Indigenous Tribe in Amazon protecting rainforests against miners, poachers, loggers and drillers in the region.     

     5.   Protecting endangered species – 

 A.  Irrawathi dolphins of Myanmar in Mekong river are critically endangered from fisheries and entrapment threatening the intelligent creature’s domain.

B. Save the Elephants – Elephants – the most fascinating and adorable member of animal kingdom is sadly now enlisted in endangered species.

C. Marine Mammals – The dismissal of global warming as a myth among skeptics slight polar bears plight in the arctic with melting glaciers posing challenge to marine mammals existence.

More on this topic to follow shortly.

The Humanitarian award recipients will be announced in due course.

Peace to all!

Thank You.

Padmini Arhant 


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