World Affairs – Rulers Choice of Peril Over Progress

July 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Yemen – The pounding of the North African nation Yemen killing scores of innocent lives by Saudi dynasty with supposedly democratic United States and allies direct assistance is the sign of unquenchable thirst for blood unrelenting to respect life and freedom.

Syria and Iraq – Unleashing terror through terrorists networks deployment again contributing to scores of deaths and destruction of nations continues unabated under false pretexts of combating terror alongside retaining terrorism strategy – arming and funding terror operation.

Libya – With no real intention to allow stability, the nation transformed into terror haven politically maneuvered to suppress popular uprising.

Egypt – The foreign dogma through military aid governs the nation and denies people voice.

Bahrain – United States latest agreement to provide ammunitions to the ruling regime for further deterrence on the natives demand for political freedom shines light on the sponsors’ flair for authoritarianism.

Palestine – United States marriage vows with Israel apparently pledged to prolong sickness rather than welcoming happiness confirmed in the usual veto on Palestinian complaint with UN Human Rights Organization in Geneva on July 3, 2015 vote regarding Israel’s incessant violation through occupation.

The new partner joining the trend with abstinence vote in this regard is Prime Minister Narinder Modi headed administration in New Delhi, India paving the way for polygamy in the marriage.

The Palestinian initiative to move the presumably world body, the UN against Israel’s violence in Gaza and throughout occupied territory for International Criminal Court (ICC) hearing was quelled with Ney vote and abstention by those claiming to be stewards of human rights and democracy.

Perhaps the decisions are aimed at self-protection on such record preventing precedence on the subject.

Iran – The oil rich Islamic State admittedly in possession of oil and natural gas lasting over hundred years conspicuously incognito authorities’ partner in the ecclesiastic representation.

Afghanistan – Hegemony terror export with ISIL relocation to the war torn nation is a convenient premise to justify permanent bases and drone attacks targeting children, women and youth in the country.

Russia – Declining proposal on UNSC exclusive club veto power unveil reality in the power struggle.

UNSC waging wars across the globe via economic sanctions and military interventions is the source of chaos and catastrophe.

Russia’s resistance to dissolution of veto power armed UNSC is the dominant powers reluctance to quit unipolar zone while objecting to genuine presence dedicated to global peace and security as unilateralism.

Ukraine – The imperial goals implemented with annexation and demarcation along with proxy governance perpetuate crisis benefitting none except satisfying destructive ego.

GreeceThe debt slavery imposed in full force subjugating the nation in the vengeful act to punish the republic for daring to exercise democratic right against detrimental austerity.

The latest development with EU leaderships’ wrath on Greece to buckle and accept draconian measures presumptuously perceived as settling scores is a failure guaranteed to severely impact the origin and catalysts engaged in unsustainable cataclysmic feudalism.

EU egregious policy has created unemployment at a staggering 25 million (official figure) although unofficial data is much higher with rising poverty and transmigration exacerbating economic status across Europe. 

Contemporary rulers and representatives choice of peril over progress is evident in the global events resulting in the conclusion of supremacy era defining the Dark Age.

The world would then heave a sigh of relief.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













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