World Events – Parallel Powers Perilous Pursuits

April 27, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The parallel powers UN, EU and International Crime Syndicate (ICS) authorized world events at present are desperation inviting self-devastation.

UN appointment of Saudi Arabia to the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) in secret voting clarifies the members respect or the lack thereof for womanhood.

Saudi Arabia prohibiting women from driving a car and imposition of law that bar women from exercising self-discretion on all matter concerning their education, health and career in addition to women requiring male permission to leave home for essential purpose elected as the guardian of women’s rights reflects misogyny.

Likewise, Saudi Arabia’s death penalty on atheism is reckless mindset without navigation submitted to adverse destination.

UN – the parallel body with UNSC selective embargo continues to remain the major impediment for peace, social justice and economic development.

NORTH KOREAObsession with North Korea is fatal attraction. Then punishing citizens of that country with harsh sanctions and subsequent mockery of DPRK lagging in economic growth is modern day persecution by those claiming to be champion of human rights.

United States provocation with military drills, nuclear armament threatening DPRK and occupation of Korean Peninsula is a serious violation of sovereignty not to mention hypocrisy in own border security with unaffordable and impractical wall heading towards government shut down.

SYRIA – The latest air strike and bombing of Syria’s international airport in Damascus to disrupt Syria’s progress in the war against International Crime Syndicate (ICS) sponsored ISIS, IS and ISIL proves the real terror forces protecting terror factions and manufactured terrorism in the war-torn nation.

The cowardly act targeting nations for economic resources and strategic dominance is a state of despondency relying on despotism despite defeat marking legacy. The wealth amassment from such aggressions for parasitic existence represents eternal larceny leading towards termination of hegemony.

VENEZUELA – The Organization of American States (OAS) based in Washington D.C. specializing in coup to destabilize democratic nations and governments is yet another form of political terrorism to intimidate nations and leaderships for their commitment to serve their country and importantly invest revenue from natural resources in national economy.

The tradition to dismantle and destroy countries for economic and vested interests besides grandstanding bully pulpit is self-vulnerability on display crying foul upon caught in foul play on all affairs. Unwillingness to wind up dysfunctional operations is imminent dissolution against misconception on success in flawed ambitions.

AFGHANISTAN – The illegal invasion under the pretext of democratization and providing security demonstrably in disarray with violence and mayhem dominant to boost defense contracts for arms and ammunition sales to all sides in the region. The hegemonic goals draining United States treasury in the quest for foreign endowments is self-inflicting damage showing no intention to abandon course.

PALESTINEThe illegal settlement activities and settlers’ callousness hosting BBQ to taunt pro freedom peaceful hunger strikers explains the creed bent on deed eventually hurting them in the land grab losing everything due to greed exceeding the need.

FRANCE – The French Presidential election results is a repeat political duplicity experienced in the United States with Hope and Change Presidency delivering to globalists and oligarchy in the introduction of ISIS, IS, ISIL and deceptive legislations protecting campaign financiers’ interests.

The performance laden in secrecy with Benghazi scandal, false claim in the killing of deceased Osama Bin Laden and eliminating NAVY SEAL operatives to close the chapter on that issue and deals brokered amid breach of trust favoring syndicate agenda accordingly led to backlash in consecutive congressional and 2016 Presidential election. The misrepresentation promoted opportunity for successor adopting extreme and  egregious approach to sensitive situations in the eagerness to exacerbate global crisis.

Not surprisingly, the French election is directed towards pre-selected contender pledged allegiance to status quo having been a member of the incumbent administration with key portfolio as economics minister doing more harm than good to improve struggling French economy.

The elections in general are a formality with more of the same unveiled as fresh and new similar to recycled item in fancy gift wrap arousing enthusiasm.

At the same time, the opponent aiming religion, race and ethnocentric sentiments for political gains might draw attention as controversy often ignites reaction although not without consequence and stigma. The ideology driven messages polarizing society impair positive achievements that are realized in collective contributions and fair income distribution benefitting all not just the preferred demography.

The shadow powers rule by proxy and invest in candidacy to maintain absolute control over citizens’ destiny. The political establishment and extraneous apparatus EU enforced austerity on European population under the guise of fiscal responsibility crippled ordinary people lives denying them any prospects while creating generational debt bondage to fund lofty aspirations of those behind the game.

Finally, the saber rattling and confrontational positions against nations permanently regarded adversaries are irrational and invariably produce undesirable outcome for the source.

The world has witnessed the mighty and the unscrupulous using brute force and wickedness succumb to fate.

Better to make peace than proliferate enmity in vain superiority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission















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