World Express Concern Over Philanthropy Gone Astray

February 15, 2021

World Express Concern Over Philanthropy

Gone Astray

Padmini Arhant

Microsoft’s Bill Gates and spouse Melinda Gates prominence not for the right rather wrong reasons deserve valid explanations from the subjects considering their overarching indulgence potentially endangering human survival. The corona virus COVID19 pandemic involving GATES foundation contribution to a tune of over $200 million to Wuhan lab, China for bizarre experiment on genetically engineered virus impact on human population is a world wide known fact. The information published in public domain long before the deadly virus outbreak in October 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, disclosed in December 2019 by the communist authorities in Beijing. 

Bill Gates floated the news on inevitable global pandemic back in 2015 in public forum. This was confirmed during Bill Gates interview with MSNBC recently on January 28th, 2021.

Was there an epiphany or the billionaire’s privy to secret society agenda?

Post COVID19,

Bill Gates Warns The “Next Pandemic” Is Coming After Covid-19.

What exactly is the globalists game plan against humanity?

Bill Gates fascination towards genetically modified organisms (GMO) apparently not mere individual interest. The multi-billionaire ambition to change the world and human population genome as well as lifestyle beckon global attention and scrutiny.

Should billionaires become the principal force to determine eight billion inhabitants’ existence on the planet?

These developments and deeply disturbing engagements such as direct modification of food beginning at seed germination and livestock hormone injection arguably affecting global citizens health and life span.

Is this a synopsis of globalists depopulation and deprogramming plan?

The global citizenry challenged with such risks seek response from the GATES foundation and TECH behemoths extending their role beyond the parameters of advanced technology and economic monopoly. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Public concern on Bill Gates and GATES Foundation Investments  – Thank you.

Mark Moss – Bill Gates Secretly Buying Farmland – The Real Reason 


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