World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

April 24, 2020

World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

Padmini Arhant

The UN body set up for public health management as the name suggests i.e. World Health Organization (WHO) miserably failed on corona virus containment. The director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus earlier statements at corona virus outbreak in Wuhan, China in adherence to China Communist Party’s instructions underestimating the virus rapid contagion impact describing the epidemic in Wuhan at that time as not alarming contributed to status quo.

Furthermore, the WHO  position at that time was the corona virus had no human to human transmission and advised against travel ban that essentially transformed the local epidemic in Wuhan, China into global pandemic.

World Health Organization funded to exercise independent authority without submitting to any pressure or accepting incentives from anywhere for personal and vested interests adopting reverse approach allowing corona virus explosion is not a minor error that could be ignored on political correctness and other meaningless explanations provided in defense.

The international body erring right at the beginning, the critical juncture demanding precautionary measures and swift actions to save lives and prevent pervasive infection slighted with no after thought on such grave stance.  Needless to say, WHO cooperation echoing China’s leadership (CCP) version and interpretation of the highly infectious virus as not a threat to humanity considering previous epidemics like H1N1, SARS and MERS…with preceding ones in communicable disease having originated in China and MERS from Saudi Arabia was a colossal mistake that erupted into ravaging pandemic consuming lives necessitating global economic shutdown costing more lives and livelihoods as a result of the deadly virus.

The loss of precious lives and agony experienced by victims and families in the health disaster from corona virus is not an ordinary plight. The economic toll leaving billions around the world in poverty, hunger and starvation not to mention the global economic collapse creating insurmountable uncertainties and immeasurable financial difficulties is a monumental challenge confronting citizens worldwide.

In normal and abnormal situations anywhere, an employee in any sector and industry conscientiously at fault would not continue with the job and neither be encouraged to carry on with the affairs where responsibility flouted in the first place causing tremendous health and economic tragedies only expected to prolong until unknown period.

That being the case, anyone appointed with salary, perks and privileges at the helm entrusted with a serious task of health management and global citizens well being assuming the duty for granted with decisions based on China Communist Party leadership (CCP) recommendations covering up facts and figures amid avalanche of incidents in the then epicenter Wuhan, China bare evidence.  The diligence, prudence and vigilance abstinence at the crucial moment proved catastrophic for the entire world is not something to be taken on stride and left behind as a bad dream especially when the dream has evolved into a living nightmare for many all around.

Although, those in position of power and authority maintaining close ties with entities flexing influence are exempt from accountability, the tradition exacerbate human frustration and patience on fundamental change holding none above law in all matter.

In this respect, World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus investing complete faith and trust in China Communist Party (CCP) narratives releasing official reports contradictory to pandemic events in the original domain rather than the autonomous World Health Organization (WHO) conducting own investigation examining ground reality in Wuhan, China amount to misleading, misguidance and gross negligence in handling the pandemic.

The global pandemic inflicting deaths and destruction of lives in the magnitude beyond sustainability and economic injustice affecting billions in epic proportion appropriately seek the resignation of Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from heading the World Health Organuzation effective immediately.

World Health Organization sharing the woes of alleged corruption and lack of transparency in many aspects overhauling the structure and prevailing in the scrutiny on international oversight representing common citizens not elite members in the panel is paramount to gain public confidence in the otherwise ethically fractured auspices.

As for China, the Communist Party leaderships in Beijing are obligatory to humanity at large in presenting actual data and accounts on corona virus since emergence up until now in addition to deploying strict quality control on functionality and effectiveness of medical supplies and equipment shipped to various destinations around the globe.

Last but not the least, the Central authority in Beijing arguably hit with libel suits for withholding vital information on corona virus triggering ripple effects on global health and economy heeding citizens urgent needs and emergency care within China abandoning secrecy and intolerance to whistle blowers  in medical community would enormously help in mitigating the unprecedented health and economic crises.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


One Response to “World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation”

  1. Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause | : on May 25th, 2020 9:28 am

    […] World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation […]

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